Screenplay Festival is happy to announce a new sponsor, Virtual Pitch Fest.
Virtual Pitch Fest is the only website in the world that lets screenwriters pitch Hollywood Pros with the assurance of a guaranteed response back. With VPF, personal query letters sent to companies you pick are all responded to within 5 days. VPF now has 370+ Studios, Production Companies & Reps all taking pitches online. Big Players include Phoenix, 2929, Lynda Obst, Focus, MTA, Alcon, Benderspink, Rat, Original Film, Lawrence Bender, Circle of Confusion, Resolution, 3 Arts, and APA. VPF’s been earning major cred in the biz, with site connections resulting in produced films, many script deals & writers landing representation.
Each of our five (5) Grand Prize winners will receive 5 free pitches from Virtual Pitch Fest.
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Screenplay Festival’s very own Rick Reynolds is featured on a podcast! If you ever wanted to hear insights about the inner workings of our contest, now is your chance. (Please note: Rick is our Festival Coordinator and NOT A JUDGE. He manages the judging process, but is not selecting our winners.)
Listen to the podcast at these links, and Please Comment & Share and give a 5 Star Review!
Itunes link:
Stitcher link:
Here is the low-down on the podcast:
In this episode, Hilliard interviews Rick Reynold’s, co-founder of Screenplay Festival, one of the longest running screenplay competitions in the U.S. Get ready, ‘cuz Rick gives writers a ton of game to help stand out and win!
At his side as usual:Co-host and award-winning Sci-fi/Horror writer and author, Lisa Bolekaja.
EPISODE HIGHLIGHTS: Why Rick started the competition, how it works and why writers should submit, getting on the Industry List, the facts/politics behind competitions, 100 Screenplays Competition, Investing in your career, promoting after you win, what’s next for Screenplay Festival and so much more!
Our motto, “Keep it street, keep it opinionated and keep it what? 100!”
Subscribe, Comment & 5 STAR Review Us on iTUNES & STITCHER!
Direct Link:
Twitter: @ScreenwritersRR
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We are proud to announce that the pros over at Beneficial Entertainment are taking a look at Screenplay Festival’s winners. We hope to hear some great news from our writers!
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More good news! Eclectic Pictures is taking at look at Screenplay Festival’s winning scripts. We look forward to hearing great news for our winners!
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It pleases us to share that Manus Entertainment is taking a look at the winners of Screenplay Festival. As always, we look forward to hearing about great things for our winners!
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Donyea Newsome of Stevens & Associates is working with our recent crop of winners! We wish Donyea and our winners the best in the future, and hope to hear about big things for both of them!
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