Script Coverage

Script Analysis

Script Analysis

Posted on Dec 4, 2010

Writers frequently ask if they can receive written feedback from our judges. We have set up a program so that you can! Through an exclusive arrangement with one of our judges, Screenplay Festival now offers Script Analysis. This judge is himself an award winning screenwriter as well as a director whose most recent movie was distributed on DVD by New Line Entertainment.Visit the Script Analysis page to learn more.

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Order Script Analysis Online

Posted on Jan 18, 2000

This page is for you if you would like to order Script Analysis from Screenplay Festival entirely online.

Make sure that you:

  • You have the Order Form filled out, signed, and scanned as a computer file.
  • You have a computer file of your script ready to submit.
  • You plan to pay by credit card on this website.

Step 1. Make your secure payment via PayPal.

Screenplay Festival Script Analysis

Step 2. Email your Order Form and Screenplay.
We recommend that you name your script’s computer file with your first name, last name, and script title (shortened if necessary). For example, a PDF John Smith’s screenplay “Great Script” would be sent with the file name, “john_smith_Great_Script.pdf”.

Send an email with the files of your script and signed form attached to: info@screenplayfestival.comNote: If you do not have a scanner to scan the form with your signature, a picture taken by a camera or even a phone will do.
Step 3. Relax and wait for your confirmation email.

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Order Script Analysis by Mail

Posted on Jan 17, 2000

This page is for you if you would like to order Script Analysis from Screenplay Festival, sending your order form, script and payment together in the mail.

Make sure that you:

  • You have the Order Form filled out and signed.
  • You have a printout of your script ready to send.
  • You include a check or money order payable to “Screenplay Festival.”

Script Analysis Rates:

Script Analysis: $250.00
Script Analysis with $75 Competition Entry Discount: $175.00 (Screenplay Festival Entry Fee paid separately)
Rewrite Analysis: $200.00 (a second analysis of same title after a rewrite)

Mail your script, entry form and payment to:

Screenplay Festival
11693 San Vicente Blvd., Suite 806
Los Angeles, CA 90049

After your script arrives and is processed, you will receive a confirmation email.  This normally takes around one week.

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Order Script Analysis

Posted on Jan 17, 2000

This page is for you if you would like to order Script Analysis from Screenplay Festival, submitting your script and payment online and sending your order form via mail or fax.

Make sure that you:

  • You have the Order Form filled out and signed.
  • You have a computer file of your script ready to submit.
  • You plan to pay by credit card on this website.

Step 1. Make your secure payment via PayPal.

Screenplay Festival Script Analysis


Step 2. Submit your Screenplay.
We recommend that you name your script’s computer file with your first name, last name, and script title (shortened if necessary). For example, a PDF John Smith’s screenplay “Great Script” would be sent with the file name, “john_smith_Great_Script.pdf”.

Send an email with the files of your script to:

Step 3. Mail of fax your order form.
Fax: 866.770.2994

Screenplay Festival
11693 San Vicente Blvd., Suite 806
Los Angeles, CA 90049

Step 4. Relax and wait for your confirmation email.
The confirmation email can take up to a week to arrive.

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