2018 Semi-Finalists

In order to choose the Grand Prize and Honorable Mention winners for Screenplay Festival, there are three rounds to the competition. In the first round, every script is read by at least two judges and rated regardless of genre. The screenplays with the highest ratings move into the second round, or the Semi-Final Round. The scripts listed below made it through this process and deserve recognition as Screenplay Festival Semi-Finalists.

The most frequent question we get asked is, “What percentage placement does being a Semi-Finalist make me?”  This year, the Semi-Finalists represent the top 50% of entries that we receive.  Yes, we received so many entries this year that the judges agreed to let more scripts into the second round.

We appreciate everyone’s hard work and would again like to congratulate everyone for their great writing!

2018 Semi-Finalists

Movie: Action / Adventure

9 Inch Blade by Colm Field
A Red Sky by Robert Brody
Aborning by jay greenwell
Adam and Evolution by Laurence Sweeney
Amaris by Ian White
Blood Runs Red by James Gilbertsen
Callers to Our World by Salvatore Bono
Chimera by Andy Walraven
Collision by Suzanne Kelman
Comazone by Ciriaco Griego
Deadly Actions by LJ Seliski
Drifters by Cecilia Carcamo
Filipina by Eugene Monteleone
Finding Alexandria by Sayem Huq
Go Catch the Devil by Martin Blinder
God Is Not Purple (Or how I survived puberty and four days on a raft on the Mississippi River) by Matt Pacini
Holding Hope Hand by James Rucker iV
Kayfabe Intercontinental by David Piechowski
Lady Marian by Wilhelm Martinez
Love Nation by Katherine Carter
Luana by Danielle Erlich
Machine vs. Machine by Jeffrey Fitz
Mysterious Black Gold by Martin Mahle
Neon Blades by Ville Hokkanen
Never Principles by Stephen Oddy
Quest for Light – Adventure of the Magi by Byron Anderson
Red Cricket by Rick Kinnebrew
Redirklus by Kevin Shorter
Sacred Profanity by Malcolm Wong
Shadow Wolf by Patrick King
Sisters of the Moon (Part One) by James Leon
Solomon’s Quest by Elizabeth Shum
The Abolitionists by Leslie Lyshkov
The Capitulation of California by David Lovret
The Incredible World of Ytron by Regiane Margonar Reis
Tiger Poppy by Todd Lowery
Turnabout by William Hanan
Turned Upside Down by Dennis O’Flyng
Whales Gone Wild or The Red Eyed Whale by Theodore Carl Soderberg
Where I Want to Be by Tai Bingham Nass

Movie: Comedy

A Clown’s Tale by Michael Pallotta
A Crisis Manager by Zura Menteshashvili
A Dating Guide For Apes by John Gisser
A Future Romance by John Martins III
A Happy Ending in 3 Parts by Ezra Brain & & Chandler Black
A Snowballs Chance in Hell by gregory lane
A Town Called Harmony by Clayton Foy Udd
A Yacht In The Apache Junction by Avi Glick
A.B. Is An E.T. by Aaron Yarber
Acquaintance by Alexey Protsenko
Addison Lane by Yuka Sano
After You by Renton Méndez
Alberto Jones and the Tempered Water of Doom by Ty Caudle
All for One by Daniel Flores
Bad Actor by Joe Leone
Bad Hair by Richard Geiwitz
Beef by Benjamin Caro
Boneheads by kelly jean karam
Boo Attitude by Richard Barilla
Born Again by Daniel Schooling
Campus Garden Party by Paul Herbig
Cesar and Max by Susan Klos
Company Christmas by Diana Lee Woody
Confessions of a Horny Teenager by Nick Abdo
Cryogenius by Andrew Pelosi
Cthulhu Cat by John Gisser
Dukes Of Biohazard by Jaime Villarreal
Dumbest Generation by Leslie Lyshkov
eric seacole by john long
For Love or Music by Scott Sawitz
Forever Man by Jon Gianelli
Funny…The Movie by Joe Leone
Garage Sale by Deanne Devine
Grit by Katherine Flores
Gruff Banter: Private Eye by James Russell
Guerrilla by Vesa Vlad
Handsome Devil by John Gisser
Hoof by Michael Harris
How to get to the cinema by Alexey Protsenko
I Am My Brothers Keeper by Cedric Shelton
Irma’s Not Amused by Eric Paul Chapman
Jimmy Stewart and the Yeti’s Hand by Bruce Scivally
Karmic Baggage by Joe Leone
Killing Kelko by Kieran Angelini
Lazy Vampire by Maninder Chana
Living Will by John Gisser
Love & Happiness by Mike Briock
Motherless Mother’s Day by Lazy Babai
My Ghost by John Gisser
N.E.R.D.S. by Andrew Ward
NancyGirl by David McMahon
Neighborrow by Martin Fournier
Not Another Witch Movie by John Gisser
One Day Off by Mohammahreza Khaki
One Plus One by Johnny Aangraj
One Won One by Marilyn Romano
Original Sin by Aibo Guo
Orion’s Oasis by Brett Scieszka
Over Eater Achiever by Joe Leone
Penelope Pan Syndrome by Joe Leone
Road Trippy by Joe Heath
Shut Up & Twirl by Draven Gonzalez
SMART by Adnane Laala
SPIES! by John Gisser
Stalker Friends by Andrea Holz
That’s Our Girl by Danté Orange
The 8th Miricale by Alexey Protsenko
The Bicoastals by Kirby Wright
The Bridesman by Andrew Ward
The Burial of the White Swami by Avi Glick
The can by Alexey Protsenko
The Cast Rejects by Kathryn L. Scurry
The Cocky Kicker by Matthew Benson
The Great Grappa Caper by The Matarrese Bros.
The Greatest Actor Alive by Cheyenne Grogan
The Hero Of The World by lotus girl productions
The Love Docta by Brus Messinger
The Pentagon Patrol by Lyle Hogue
The Real History of American Football by John Nay
The Reboot Camp by Ivo Raza
The Singularity by John Gisser
The Time of Your Life by Robert Stork
The Tour by David Keogh
Welcome to Forever by Chill Nill Productions
White Lie Wedding by Whitney Powell
Win-Eyed Monster: The Devil In Randy Dong by James Hunter
Wrath of Con by Jeff Kaminski & Jeff Grantz
Yarn by Christine Tromop

Movie: Drama

A Little Sedated by Joseph Sanders
A Soul Expereince by Marilyn Lee
A Story of Us by Madhurima Bhattacharyay
Aktion T-4 by John Martins III
Altered Lives by Richard Kjeldgaard
American Gulag by Michael Casey
Animal Town by Mike Anderson
Argument for the Existence of the Island Saudadia by Constantin Maier
Ball of Fire by Sean Coleman
Behind the Badge by John Martins III
Bellville by Marvin Jackson
BIG SISTER by David Chester
Boat Train To Calais by Sterling Moore
Body Count by Leigh Hunt
Bundle of Love by Giselle King
Car Heroin Train by Virginia Austin
Champs-Élysées by Serge Adam
City of Trees by Christian Lybrook
Close Calls by J.W. Van Ness
Clouds Over Dahlias by A.J. Moss
Concealed by Robert Lee Chisholm
Copland In Self Defence by Jaroslaw Gogolin
Crayons by Michael Angelo Colgan
Desposyni by Jean Galliano
Don by Alberto Battistutti
Drawn to the Dream by Heather Somers
Eddie the King by Philip Lombardi
Enriquillo by Ron Basso
Every Town Needs A Russian Tea Room by Anne J. Steinberg
Fear by Peter Jang
Finding Tessa by eric willis
Fragile by Peter Andrews
Freeze! by Leigh Hunt
Gadfly by Tom Grey Martin
Going Psycho by john Tsilimparis
Hell’s Acre by Alex Salazar
Hopscotch (A Musical) by Paul Cenzoprano
Impaired Innocence by Chandra Gerson
Inside Out by Jack Kearney
Little Things Mean a Lot by Michael Monteith
Mean by Carla Miles
Meridian Response by Kevin Staake
Nickolas Venture by Fredric Collins
Oath by Paul Frank
One Over The Eight by Brock Young
Ransom Not by Brian Hill
Reduction To Practice by Lance Parkhurst
Rhinozeros by math saliva
Sadie Sasquash by Frank Vespe
Shocks by David Baugnon
Stone by Tom Foran
Thank You, Amelia Earhart by Al Mertens
The Blue Crayon by Terry Luce
The Book of Life by Peter Groth
The cocktail brothers by Marcos Gracia
The Dance of Shiva by Mark Perlick
The Greatest Show on Earth by Anthony Thompson
The Hammer by Jason Hunter
The Hill by Bill Halamandaris
The Hug Point Encounter by Chris McWaters
The Man Who Saw Tomorrow by William Tracy
The Operation by Robert Gokay
The Royal Aloha Club by Jody Ellis
The Serum by Tom Thorpe
The Strange Lives of Alice by Regiane Margonar Reis
The Summer She Turned Zero by Mary Frances Schneider
The Trumpeter by Jonathan Shatoff
Therapy by Eduard Reznik
Time Trip by Mark Roeder
Trapped by Martin Blinder
Trip by David Baugnon
Two Dreams by Rosalyn Rosen
Utopia by Aimiende Negbenebor Sela
Where do the Clouds go? by Serge Ioan Celebidachi

Movie: Thriller/Horror

A Lion’s Keep by Abdallah Saleh
A Precise Understanding of Darkness by R. Shanea Williams
At The Mercy Of Faith by Samuel Taylor
Bay Crest by Keven Porter Jr
Blackwood Falls by Jennifer Nicole Stang
Depravity Blessed by Brandon Reim
Dracula: Northern Soul by Rachel Welch
Dyavol by G.R. Reid
Ersatz by Charles Ancelle
Farther Than You Can Imagine by Brook Hoffman
Followers by Jared Phillips
Friday Night Frenzy by Richard Stringham
Full Contact by Dave Kraft
Hannya by carlos valencia
Inferno: New Orleans by John Bias
IoT by David Garrett
Jacob’s Wolf by Martina Achterberg
Le Mystigque by Anthony Vasley
Lean by Tal Rayman
Omega Dawn by Eric Taylor
Outskirts by Alexandre Guterres
Pete Re-Pete by Dan Martinez
Prey for The Day (2018) by Richard Kjeldgaard
Purgatory by Zach Closs
Red Mill Run by Dan L
Rise of the Gulon by Matt Wildash
Senses by Joe Boi
The 89th Temple by Charlie Canning
The Death March by James Van Fleet
The Devil’s Celluloid by Akio Duffy
The Face of Rage by Jim Sullivan
The Family Way by Shiva Rodriguez
The Joyrider by Kirk Davis
The Light Dares To Desert Me by Eriah Howard
The Quantum Key1 by Gretchen Klein
The Road Less Traveled by Michael Simons
The Selling of the Serpent by Kevin Coughlin
The Vicious Comes In Silence by Anton Gsell
Thoreau’s Taxes by Charlie Canning
Victima by Joseph Monahan
Weeping WIllow by Michael Pallotta
Where the Bad Kids Go by Sean Elwood
Wild Game by Max Sparber
You Are Mine by Steve Wrench

Television: Half Hour Script

A Nine-Eleven Carol by Spencer McCall
Career Move: Past The Bar by Jim Norman
Davis Hall by Charlie Robinson
Kate Allen Is Getting A Life by Linda Stuart
My Sex Life by Rosalyn Rosen
Not That Girl by Kianga Robertson
Shevolution by Minerva Vier
The Blackout Menace by Kyle Smith
The Lovely Assistant by Maddy Zauss
What If I’m Not? by Ryan Millis
Xightfall by Julian Blondell

Television: One Hour Script

2020AD by Mike Rogers
Apache by Cameron Barsanti
Athletes by Stephanie Lee
Before the Valor by Lyle Hogue
Branded by Christian Lybrook
By Touch by Robert Cox
Candyland.Com by Joan Barrett
Carry That Weight by Marla Greene
Dead by Diana Bespalova
Dream Bleed Full Pilot by Ryan Thurston
Driven by Susan Hippen
Fury of a Woman Scorned by Eriah Howard
Guardian Angel by David Isaac Samuels
Haze Gray by Lorraine Romano
Hunger Makes the Wolf: Pilot by Alex Acks
Jubilation by Meghan Fitzmartin
Legends of The New World by Irene Herbruger
Love|Depraved Cathedral by Meaghan Hynes
Majestic by Jordan Freese
Marked by Leah P
Pagetravelers Pilot by Kes Speelman
Psychopath reborn by George Avila
Sepulchre by matthew mclaughlin
She Delivers by Peter McNeil
The Agents by Mark Keavney
The Devil and Saint Jayne by Ashley Marie Ryan
The Helper by Cynthia Feusi
The Last Jewish Gangster TV Pilot by David Larson
The Mayor by Tiffany Hanssen
The Recruit by Jessica Ferrato
The Syndicate by Peter Jang
The Watchers: I am Alexander by Jason Fedusenko
Thirst by Horton Emory