2018 Winners

Congratulations to the Grand Prize and Honorable Mention winners for Screenplay Festival!

Reading, judging, and ranking scripts is a very difficult and long process. The scripts listed below made it through to the end and we applaud their great work.

2018 Grand Prize Winners

Movie: Action/Adventure: Go Catch the Devil by Martin Blinder
Movie: Comedy: A.B. Is An E.T. by Aaron Yarber
Movie: Drama: Bundle of Love by Giselle King
Movie: Thriller/Horror: Farther Than You Can Imagine by Brook Hoffman
Television: Half Hour: Kate Allen Is Getting A Life by Linda Stuart
Television: One Hour: Carry That Weight by Marla Greene

2018 Honorable Mention Winners

Movie: Action / Adventure

Chimera by Andy Walraven
Drifters by Cecilia Carcamo
Kayfabe Intercontinental by David Piechowski
Shadow Wolf by Patrick King

Movie: Comedy

All for One by Daniel Flores
Cesar and Max by Susan Klos
The Greatest Actor Alive by Cheyenne Grogan
White Lie Wedding by Whitney Powell

Movie: Drama

Drawn to the Dream by Heather Somers
Fear by Peter Jang
Stone by Tom Foran
Utopia by Aimiende Negbenebor Sela

Movie: Thriller/Horror

At The Mercy Of Faith by Samuel Taylor
Depravity Blessed by Brandon Reim
Followers by Jared Phillips
Le Mystique by Anthony Vasley

Television: Half Hour Script

Davis Hall by Charlie Robinson
Shevolution by Minerva Vier
The Lovely Assistant by Maddy Zauss

Television: One Hour Script

Apache by Cameron Barsanti
Love|Depraved Cathedral by Meaghan Hynes
The Devil and Saint Jayne by Ashley Marie Ryan
The Helper by Cynthia Feusi