Congratulations to the 2002 Winners! The judging committee battled and debated, and finally agreed on the following winners. We appreciate everyone’s hard work and would again like to congratulate everyone for their great writing!
Action/Adventure Winners:
Grand Prize Rodney Kurtz, “Date With The Assassin” Honorable Mentions Paul E. Clinco, “The Abduction of Dorothy” Miro, “Earth” Matt R. Lohr, “John Henry” J. D. Moyer, “Second Life” Jay Woelfel, “Wilderness of Dreams” |
Comedy Winners:
Grand Prize Rebecca Hertz, “Guess What, Chicken Butt?” Honorable Mentions C. Bryant Pringle, “Club Mob” J.M. Burts & Ted W. Pittman, “My Better Half” Kathryn Pratt, “Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll” Terri Bradway, “Shoes” Alana Garrop, “Untitled Girl Guide Cookie Thriller” |
Drama Winners:
Grand Prize Spencer Beglarian, “Present Perfect Continuous” Honorable Mentions Scott Murki, “Kid On A Ledge” Vaughn Verdi, “My Name Is Kevin Fife” Christopher Barnett, “Nearfall” Linda Armstrong, “Wire Monkeys” |
Family Winners:
Grand Prize Lisa Yoffee, “Jekyll & Heidi” Honorable Mentions Don Ashe, “A Great Idea” Marco A. Ochoa, “Lost In Toon Town” Elizabeth Benjamin-Rae, “Nether” Frank Crawford-Herman, “Trixie Seymour: The Girl with the X-Ray Eyes” |
Romance Winners:
Grand Prize Elaine Henderson, “Victim of Love” Honorable Mentions Julie Parke, “Love Ain’t All That” Lawrence Riggins & W. Green, “Only Millie” Michael & Annie Kananack, “The Last Magical Man” Adam Novak, “Venus Rising” |
Thriller/Horror Winners:
Grand Prize Edward Chin, “The Brass Serpent” Honorable Mentions Barbara Hamilton, “Before The Dawn” Christopher Plain, “Scorpions” Timothy Kurdziel, “Seven Twenty Six” Robert Dorian, “Suck” |